curriculum vitae

Otto Karl Schenk

Four years apprenticeship in Bern Switzerland with Edith Dittrich

Four years with Hans Weisshaar, Los Angeles

Four years with Jacques Français, New York (head of workshop René Morel)

René Morel  

Jacques Français

Hans Weisshaar

Gold medal for workmanship and certificate of tone at the competition of the V.S.A. in Philadelphia in 1976

Certificate of merit for viola tone, viola workmanship and cello workmanship at the competition of the V.S.A. in La Jolla in 1978


Opening of own workshop in Bern 1979

Acquirement of the Swiss Master Degree (Title protected by the Swiss Craft and Trade Department)

Certificate at the Manchester Cello Festivals 1992 and 1996

Jury member at Cremona competition 1995

Today dealing in student, professional and master instruments

Service and repair of instruments and bows

Restoration of rare master pieces

Building of new instruments


Member of

Swiss Violin Association

Member of

L'Entente Internationale des Maîtres Luthiers et Archetiers d'art